Butia Capitata(Cocos Australis)70 litres/125/150 cm
The jelly palm, or Butia capitata, grows slowly and is a charming, small evergreen palm. It has a single trunk, adorned with blue-Gray leaves curving gracefully. The compound leaves, 3-6ft long, create a full crown with a gentle arch, forming a slight weeping effect. Each leaf has 25-60 slender leaflets, arranged in a V shape. The trunk bears the remnants of old leaves. In summer, fragrant creamy-yellow flowers appear in long spikes, followed by clusters of orange-yellow, date-sized fruits with a pineapple flavor. Easy to grow, this palm is tough, tolerating salt, heat, and drought, resilient to temperatures as low as -10C. Perfect as a standalone or grouped with other palms.